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Nara Witchcraft

Gorgeous Grape Agate sphere and Grape Agate clusters

Gorgeous Grape Agate sphere and Grape Agate clusters

Regular price £66.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £66.00 GBP
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Grape Agate

Grape Agate is a unique form of purple botryoidal chalcedony, which means it has a rounded, bubbly structure resembling clusters of grapes.
Its beautiful purple to lavender color comes from trace amounts of manganese in the silica-based chalcedony, while the botryoidal formation occurs when tiny quartz crystals grow together in spherical masses.

In terms of healing properties, Grape Agate is associated with enhancing inner peace, promoting mental clarity, and strengthening intuitive abilities. Often connected to the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, it helps with meditation and spiritual growth, encouraging deeper insight and connection to higher realms.

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